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Solution for Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council

28th, November 2009

In over 100 countries worldwide, thousands of organisations rely each day on Bull’s open IT products, services and solutions to support their businesses. From strategic alignment of IT systems, to security and cost reduction, Bull’s customers share the same requirements: working towards new financial models, wanting to benefit from open, powerful, flexible and cost-effective IT solutions that help them grow faster than the competition.

Bull has recently selected Workspace Technology as its preferred partner to design and build a brand new energy efficient corporate Data Centre facility.

Located in Barnsley this new facility will provide hosting services for Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council as well as disaster recovery and Co-location services for other Bull clients across the UK.

Bio Data Centre Initiative

Bull’s Bio Data Centre initiative provides a whole set of solutions and tools to enable organisations to:

Improve the energy efficiency of servers through technologies and services in order to reduce their carbon footprint.

Optimise the topology simplifying and optimising the Data Centre architecture through virtualisation.

Optimise operational process through Service Level Management (SLM).

The new Data Centre has been built to fulfil the “Bio Data Centre Initiative”. By deploying Workspace Technology’s the Data Centre PUE ratings exceed the expectations of Bulls' own Bio Data Centre criteria with a rating of >1.5

Technology solutions within the Barnsley Data Centre include:-

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