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Benefits of Expert Third Party Data Centre Remote Monitoring Services

8th, December 2015

What is a Data Centre Remote Monitoring Service? – Remote Monitoring Services provide centralised monitoring of data centre and mission critical infrastructure and includes equipment such as generators, UPS systems, air conditioning systems, chilled water plant, fire suppression systems and other supporting infrastructure.

Typically, specialist data centre engineers are able to recreate a virtual data centre or server room layout, monitor a wide range of vendor-agnostic inventory, view real-time device failure alarming, investigate alarms, diagnose and provide recommendations on how to resolve issues. Typically faults will either be fixed remotely or service engineers are despatched to site. Problems are very often resolved with no requirement for customer intervention.

screenshotWhy Implement Remote Monitoring? – Very often IT Departments do not have access to specialist mechanical or electrical skill sets, and those in the department are primarily focused on the support of IT equipment, applications and desk top services. This leaves business operations vulnerable to failures within the data centre infrastructure. Remote monitoring services allow IT departments to focus on core business activities in the knowledge that third party experts are providing 24/7 monitoring of the underlying infrastructure.

How Does Remote Monitoring Work? – In order to support centralised monitoring of data centre infrastructure and assets, technology including environmental monitoring, SNMP and Modbus management, Volt Free Contacts and IP cameras need to be deployed at the remote location. Centrally data centre infrastructure management (DCIM) software tools also need to be implemented typically with interactive graphical representations of the remote data centre and its associated infrastructure.

Workspace Technology’s Intouch Remote Monitoring Service

With a proven track record in designing, building and managing data centre infrastructure, Workspace Technology is ideally-positioned to assume responsibility for the monitoring of your mission critical power and data centre assets. Workspace Technology’s Intouch is a ‘remote monitoring’ service designed to view a range of vendor agnostic mission critical infrastructure. A location-based drill-down view provides Workspace Technology’s Intouch team with a structured overview of all data centre locations, from a global to local view down to single assets. This enables the team to investigate alarm conditions as and when they occur, diagnosing and fixing where possible, or arranging for site attendance when deemed appropriate on behalf of the client.

Intouch services are implemented through Schneider Electric’s industry leading StruxureWare Data Centre Expert combined with Schneider Electric’s powerful Data Centre Infrastructure Management software suite which forms the underlying management software tool in order to support all aspects of essential data centre infrastructure, monitoring and management. StruxureWare enables Workspace Technology’s team to provide exceptional levels of reporting and data collection on a wide range of events and devices.




Roy Griffiths, Workspace Technology’s Technical Director, commented “Remote Data Centre and Mission Critical Power Monitoring is a cost effective way of ensuring that client infrastructure is fully operational. When problems do occur, our team can diagnose and react quickly in many instances resolving problems without any customer intervention”.

For more information contact or call 0121 354 4894.

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