EcoDesign™ is based on the implementation of a set of “common sense” design principles based on the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centre Efficiency Best Practices which when deployed intelligently contribute significantly to the energy efficiency and performance of a data centre.
Principles of EcoDesign™ Best Practices
Measurement | Without measurement it can be hard to understand why and where energy performance is poor and how to improve it. It is a recommendation of the Carbon Trust that sub-metering of high energy consumption infrastructure is implemented. |
“Right Size” Architecture | Modular, scalable power and cooling architecture that allows deployment as needed. This is the crucial element for improving data centre efficiency. |
Efficient Cooling Technology | The implementation of modern energy efficient cooling technologies reduce operational energy overhead.
The configuration of A/C system set points more appropriate to modern computer technology, will have a surprising contribution to data centre energy savings. |
Clear Segregated Airflow | Ensuring a clear airflow path whilst eliminating the mixing of hot and cold air through the deployment of appropriate ducting, aisle containment and airflow management technology will contribute to significant reductions in the energy demand of the cooling system. |
Efficient Room Layout | An efficient room layout will facilitate the deployment of appropriate cooling, allow for a modular growth strategy and assist airflow separation. Correctly positioned grille tiles will ensure airflow to equipment inlet positions. |
Efficient UPS & Electrical Installation | The installation of modern modular transformerless UPS technology significantly improves efficiency and also saves on floor space at typical operating loads.
The installation of well designed power paths combined with energy efficient lighting reduces energy consumption. |
Practical Deployment
Workspace Technology works closely with organisations to identify issues and help design and implement practical and deliverable best practice solutions.
One of the mandatory requirements of the Code of Conduct includes measurement. Workspace Technology’s EcoMeasure energy / PUE measure technology delivers real time monitoring of energy efficiency and its usage.
Additional practical solutions include the intelligent deployment airflow management and aisle containment technology, economiser free air cooling and energy efficient UPS systems.
Becoming an EU Code of Conduct for Data Centre Energy efficiency participant enables organisations to show leadership and ultimately helps stake holders drive energy efficiency reducing both operating costs and carbon emissions.