Optional Data Centre Modules

Direct Freecool® Evaporative Free Air Cooling

Direct Freecool® Evaporative Free Air Cooling

Award-winning technology that offers significant energy savings when compared to traditional cooling systems.

Freecool® evap cooler offers a number of configuration options, including mechanical backup or top up cooling as well as indirect cooling through high efficiency heat exchange technology.

Cool Wall - The Cool Wall module consists of a series of high efficiency chilled water coils that are typically positioned within the Freecool® Mixing Box. The Cool Wall delivers an independent back up cooling circuit to the evap cooler system.

The Cool Wall system offers automated backup cooling for both direct and indirect cooling options with start-up based on a range of configurable environmental conditions including fire, air quality, temperature and humidity.

Workspace Technology’s Cool Wall consists of chilled water coils that are located inside the Freecool® mixing box. The Cool Wall system is normally in standby mode. Following the activation of a volt free contact from and independent ‘fire’ signal or alternatively via and air quality sampling system a ‘remote on’ signal will be initiated from the Freecool® evap cooler PLC control panel. This signal will turn on the standby by chilled water system supporting the Cool Wall.

Workspace Technology typically designs the Cool Wall to support air off temperatures of 24ºC at 21ºC chilled water flow temperatures. The chiller systems are configured with an insulated buffer tank sized to maintain a chilled water reserve. Following an activation from a ‘remote on’ signal from the Freecool® evap cooler control panel the Cool Wall will start up. Chiller pumps will be operational and at full speed within a matter of seconds ensuring water is flowing through the Cool Wall circuit. The chilled water reserves will ensure cooling capacity is maintained inside the data centre until the chiller compressors ramp up to full operating speed.

Heat Exchange - The Heat Exchange module consists of a high efficiency cross air heat exchange system.

The Heat Exchange module is designed to support ‘indirect’ evaporative free air cooling. Passing cool external air through the Heat Exchange module removes latent heat from the data centre air stream.

The Heat Exchange module allows data centres to benefit from the exceptional energy efficiency of evaporative free air cooling whilst maintaining a ‘conventional’ closed loop eliminating the need for outside air to enter the data centre space.

Click here to view our Freecool® Evap Cooler Product Brochure.

For more information on our full range of data centre Freecool® Evap Cooler products and services please contact our Sales Team on 0121 354 4894 or send us a message.